Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fiber Network Services: Dark and Lit Fiber


Fiber Network Services: Dark and Lit Fiber

Zenfi provides fiber network and fiber connectivity in NJ and NYC areas. You may have heard of fiber networks before—fiber cables that function by transmitting data. Data travels along with fiber optic cables so that, for instance, once you hit "enter" on your Google search, the result appears immediately. Lit fiber is a fiber optic cable that transmits data using pulses of cable light made from glass. 

Everyone wants to remain on the leading edge of technology and have the newest and greatest network connectivity. Lit fiber has dependable data connectivity, speed, and power. A lit fiber-optic network supplies the speeds and, therefore, the big data capacity that everybody wants to possess lately. 

When it involves serious computing, it's necessary to be hard-wired to a reliable network. Companies that use lit fiber are definitely on the leading edge of the telecom industry.

Lit Fiber Services

A Lit Fiber service is a large bandwidth connection providing high-speed Internet or data service delivered over fiber-optic lines. Lit Fiber works for businesses engaged in telecommunications, wholesale Internet access, or wholesale ISP services to supply the bandwidth capacity needed for customer applications, including email, file sharing, web hosting, and data backup video, VOIP, or VPN access. 

Lit Fiber service comes in many speeds starting from Ethernet to DS3 to wavelengths over fiber-optic lines. Lit Fiber is also called Wholesale Carrier Ethernet, Wholesale ISP, Wholesale Internet Access, Wavelength Service, Fiber Internet, or Fiber Lit Buildings.

Dark Fiber and Lit Fiber

There are tons of conversations about fiber – but what is the significant difference between lit Fiber and dark Fiber, and which one is right for you?

Management and Support: Dark Fiber is just a fiber optic cable with no equipment connected to it and isn't transmitting any data. A business can buy this Fiber from a network provider and then fully manage the equipment, deployment, security, traffic, and maintenance.

For lit, the network provider is liable for keeping the fiber lit and ensuring availability and capacity. Network providers usually have a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which promises the business a particular availability and support level.

Scalability: Dark Fiber capacity is limitless and is scalable. Since the whole Fiber is leased to the business, they use the capacity they choose. That has taken advantage of technology like Dense Wave Multiplex Divisioning (DWDM). On the other hand, Lit Fiber lacks the power to scale quickly; the timescales of the night time, Fiber found out, are much longer and more costly.

Business Liability: With Dark Fiber, businesses are liable for leasing the Fiber and buying and maintaining the equipment. For Lit Fiber, any downtime is the network carrier's responsibility because the Fiber connectivity at the location depends on whether the network provider's route runs there.

Generally, Dark Fiber and Lit Fiber offer businesses very different options, so it's crucial to think about the most critical business – whether that's cost, diverse routing, dedicated bandwidth, and capacity levels whether it'll need scaling within the future.

ZenFi uses a new single-mode fiber that is ultra-scalable with virtually unrestricted bandwidth. Deploying dark fiber offers full control over network assets and limiting dependencies on incumbent carriers.

The ZenFi Networks team are experts in engineering, deploying, and maintaining custom mobile infrastructure solutions in New York and New Jersey. With a wide range of optical waves and ethernet products to choose from, ZenFi Networks has your business covered.

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